
2023 / 05 / 05

Appreciation from Rimantas Kaukėnas Support Group to Vilius and Rita Kavaliauskai

Boomerang statuettes were presented at the annual Gala charity evening organized by Rimantas Kaukėnas Support Group, to those who are especially dedicated to charitable activities and contribute to the foundation’s activities with their time, ideas and kindness.

One statuette was given to Vilius Kavaliauskas, CEO at “Equite”, and his wife Rita, who are also the founders and board members of the Juozas Kavaliauskas Memorial Charitable Foundation, as an appreciation for their contribution to the fulfillment of the dreams of small patients.

This year, this festival of kindness brought together over 300 people who support the foundation’s activities and contribute to the well-being of young patients with their creativity, works, initiatives and support.